Sunday, February 26, 2006

Traffic Problems in Hawthorn Grove and Sedgemoor

Last year, in response to residents' complaints, Cllr Roger Symonds and Cherry Beath called a public meeting about speeding traffic in Hawthorn Grove and Sedgemoor Road. Officers from the Council then went away to work on some options. The officer who was working on this issue has now left the Council, so we are at present talking to officers to find out who will be taking this issue over.

Cherry Beath and Cllr Roger Symonds have recently called on every house in Hawthorn Grove asking people whether they want traffic calming or not. The overwhelming reponse was that residents do want some form of traffic calming. The council officer who was looking at this has not yet been replaced. The findings of our survey will be presented to the South Local Committee to be sent on to the Transport Department to investigate.

We would like to thank the people who took part in the survey. If you were out and wish to have your views recorded please contact either of on the telephone numbers or email addresses on our 'calling card'.

Cherry and Roger, with the help of a local resident will carry out a similar survey of residents' opinions in Sedgemoor Road.

More Temporary Traffic Lights

There will again be traffic lights set up at the Ralph Allen Drive/North Road Junction during the last week of February to find out whether there is a need for any 'top up' of the fill already put into the road between Hadley Road and Ralph Allen Drive.

Investigations will also be carried out between the junction of North Road and Combe Road to just past the MoD entrance in Bradford Road, to findout the underground condition in this part of Bradford Road.

Teporary traffic lights will be in operation in either of these two areas throughout March and possibly even into April.
For further details ring 01225 477200 or call into the Information Centre in the Avenue on Mondays from 1pm to 5pm or on wednesdays from 3pm to 7pm.

Planning Applications

Ward: Combe Down App.Ref: 06/00399/LBA
Registered: 2 February 2006 Expiry Date: 30 March 2006
Location: West Brow Belmont Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5JR
Grade II Listed Building
Grid Reference: 376035 - 162187
Proposal: Partial demolition and replacement of retaining wall along Summer Lane, reconstruction of a collapsed section of the wall
Case Officer: Bob Cannon Type: Listed Building Consent (Alts/exts)
Applicant: Gill Leonard
Address: Swallows Letting Agency No 3 Miles Buildings Bath BA1 2QS
Agent: Ruth Haynes Telephone: 01225 832909
Address: 4 Courtmead South Stoke Bath BA2 7EB

Ward: Combe Down App.Ref: 06/00464/LBA
Registered: 3 February 2006 Expiry Date: 31 March 2006
Location: Flat 3 West Brow Belmont Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5JR
Grade II Listed Building
Grid Reference: 376035 - 162187
Proposal: Conversion of flats 3 and 4 into a single maisonette
Case Officer: Caroline Waldron Type: Listed Building Consent (Alts/exts)
Applicant: Mr and Mrs D Fallon
Address: Flats 3 And 4 West Brow Belmont Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5UR

Planning Applications

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/00574/FUL
Registered: 09/02/2006 Expiry Date: 06/04/2006
Location: 25 Horsecombe Brow Combe Down Bath BA2 5QY
Grid Reference: 375170 162178
Proposal: Erection one and a half storey side extension and extension to conservatory
Case Danijela Karac
Applicant: Ms C Ellery Agent Name: Western Building Consultants Ltd
Applicant St Pirran
25 Horsecombe Agent Unit 20
Brow Wansdyke Business Centre
Bath Oldfield Lane
BA2 5QY Bath
Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/00580/FUL
Registered: 13/02/2006 Expiry Date: 10/04/2006
Location: 95 Hawthorn Grove Combe Down Bath BA2 5QG
Grid Reference: 375172 162432
Proposal: One bed dwelling on land adjoining 95 Hawthorn Grove
Case Danijela Karac
Applicant: Mr & Mrs K Gammon Agent Name: Graham Savage Associates
Applicant Agent The Chestnuts Studio
Codford St Peter
BA12 0NU

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Planning Applications registered this week

Ward: Combe Down App.Ref: 05/03884/LBA
Registered: 24 January 2006 Expiry Date: 21 March 2006
Location: De Montalt Mill Summer Lane Combe Down Bath BA2 5JY
Grade II Listed Building
Grid Reference: 376224 - 162007
Proposal: Conversion of Mill building to form apartments. Internal and external alterations
Case Officer: Varian Tye Type: Listed Building Consent (Alts/exts)
Applicant: Richard Hussey
Address: 66 Avon Field Avenue, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire BA15 1JF
Agent: Ashley Design Associates Telephone: 01225 865 220
Address: The Old Ride Bath Road Bradford On Avon BA15 2PB

Ward: Combe Down App.Ref: 06/00203/FUL
Registered: 23 January 2006 Expiry Date: 20 March 2006
Location: The Bath Clinic Claverton Down Road Claverton Down Bath BA2 7BR
Grid Reference: 376968 - 162838
Proposal: Covered bin store
Case Officer: Tim Guymer Type: Full Application
Applicant: Bath Clinic
Address: Tony Ballard The Bath Clinic Claverton Down Road Claverton Down Bath BA2 7BR
Agent: Cousins Thomas Rose Telephone: 01225 774330
Address: 10 Church Walk Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 8DX

Ward: Combe Down App.Ref: 06/00260/FUL
Registered: 23 January 2006 Expiry Date: 20 March 2006
Location: Ventonlace 1A Flatwoods Crescent Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AH
Grid Reference: 377782 - 163031
Proposal: Conversion of existing garage to dining room, add glazed entrance lobby and new attached garage
Case Officer: Helen McCabe Type: Full Application
Applicant: R Beattie
Address: Ventonlace 1A Flatwoods Crescent Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AH

Ward: Combe Down App.Ref: 06/00316/REG03
Registered: 23 January 2006 Expiry Date: 20 March 2006
Location: Combe Down CE VC Primary School Summer Lane Combe Down Bath BA2 5JX
Grid Reference: 375991 - 162252
Proposal: Staff room extension to Log Cabin.
Case Officer: Rachel Le Huray Type: Regulation 3 Application
Applicant: Bath And North East Somerset Council,
Address: Directorate Of Education, Riveside, Keynsham,
Agent: Property Services Telephone: 01225 477175
Address: Bath And North East Somerset Council Northgate House Upper Borough Walls Bath BA1 1RG

Ward: Combe Down App.Ref: 06/00327/FUL
Registered: 24 January 2006 Expiry Date: 21 March 2006
Location: De Montalt Mill Summer Lane Combe Down Bath BA2 5JY
Grade II Listed Building
Grid Reference: 376224 - 162007
Proposal: Variation of condition 1 of consent 04/02868/FUL to extend consent for conversion of redundant building to 23 February 2007
Case Officer: Andrew Ryall Type: Full Application
Applicant: Richard Hussey
Address: 66 Avonfield Avenue Bradford On Avon BA15 1JF
Agent: Ashley Design Associates Telephone: 865220
Address: The Old Ride Bath Road Bradford On Avon BA15 2PB

If you would like to find out more about a planning application, search for applications or comment on a planning application please click the Public Access Image on the left.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Friends of Firs Field

Photo courtesy of Bath Chronicle

The Friends held their inaugural Annual General Meeting on 19th January in Holy Trinity Church. The group, chaired by Dr Andrew Smith, will keep a watching brief on developments in the field during the duration of the Combe Down Stone Mines stabilisation project and make sure that the views of local residents and users of the field are sought on the future of the field. The Council has pledged to restore the field to how it was before the Stone Mines project began.