Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/01238/VAR
Registered: 30/03/2006 Expiry Date: 25/05/2006
Location: De Montalt Mill Summer Lane Combe Down Bath BA2 5JY
Grid Reference: 376224 162007
Proposal: Variation of No 27 condition of consent 04/02868/ful to omit passing bay and substitute
widening of track DWG2297-S-01C
Case Caroline Fulton
Applicant: Richard Hussey Agent Name: Ashley Design Associates
Applicant 66 Avonfield Avenue Agent The Old Ride
Agent Bath Road
Bradford On Avon Bradford On Avon
BA15 1JF BA15 2PB
Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/01441/LBA
Registered: 26/04/2006 Expiry Date: 21/06/2006
Location: 5 Byfield Place Combe Down Bath BA2 5JB
Grid Reference: 375797 162222
Proposal: Provision of 8no.replacement windows and front door
Case Jessica Hunnisett
Applicant: Ms S Johnson Agent Name: PDM Consultancy
Applicant 5 Byfield Place Agent 25 The Fort
Combe Down Agent Cawsand
Bath Torpoint
BA2 5JB Cornwall
PL10 1PL
Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/01399/OUT
Registered: 10/04/2006 Expiry Date: 05/06/2006
Location: Beechwoods 1 Beechwood Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5JS
Grid Reference: 376018 162116
Proposal: Outline application for residential redevelopment
Case Andrew Ross
Applicant: Mr. L.W. Norfolk Agent Name: Cluttons (Romsey)
Applicant Beechwoods Agent 1 Eastwood Court
1 Beechwood Road Agent Broadwater Road
Combe Down Romsey
Bath Hamps
BA2 5JS SO51 8JJ
Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/01427/FUL
Registered: 13/04/2006 Expiry Date: 08/06/2006
Location: 4 Combe Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5HX
Grid Reference: 375527 162188
Proposal: Replace existing conservatory with single storey garden room.
Case Hazel Short
Applicant: Mr. And Mrs. Glenday Agent Name: Mitchell Taylor Workshop
Applicant 4 Combe Road Agent 87 Walcot Street
Combe Down Agent Bath
Bath BA1 5BW
Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/01320/VAR
Registered: 03/04/2006 Expiry Date: 29/05/2006
Location: Combe Down Stone Mines Firs Field The Firs Combe Down Bath BA2 5ED
Grid Reference: 375929 162508
Proposal: Variation of condition 4 of planning permission ref: 03/00021/EREG03 to substitute the
specified plans/documents ref: Firs Field with plan no 04016/c002/REVD and report ref: 4104-
Case Paul Thompson
Applicant: CDSM Project Team Agent Name:
Applicant 10 Palace Yard Agent
Mews Agent
Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/01400/LBA
Registered: 11/04/2006 Expiry Date: 06/06/2006
Location: The Old Vicarage 110 Church Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5JJ
Grid Reference: 376081 162275
Proposal: Refurbishment of The Old Vicarage including fitting central heating, replace basement
windows, re-instate fireplaces, revert to single occupancy, update/make good internal
decoration, kitchens and bathrooms.
Case Caroline Waldron
Applicant: Mr Edward Turner Agent Name: Mr C Rupert Baller
Applicant 25c Fitzroy Square Agent Whitehouse Renovation Limited
London Agent
W1T 6ER The Old Bakehouse
Goose Street
BA11 6SS