Friday, April 13, 2007

Deep Clean for The Avenue

This morning in response to a request from resident Phyllis Brown, the area received a 'deep clean' from a team of council cleaning operators sweeping the road and pavements with brush and shovel and with mechanical cleaners.

Residents were asked to park on the west side of the Avenue, on the double yellow lines, so the cleaners could get to an area which always has parked cars on it. The litter and leaves that had built up over months was swept away in about 30 minutes.

One of the surprising results of getting cars to park on the west side of the Avenue was to discover that there is more parking on that side, because on the east there are entrances for various businesses and residential properties, which need to be kept clear. Also access to these properties became much easier. As a result we will be asking residents whether they would like this temporary change in parking to be made permanent and if they do, then approaching the council parking manager, Dorothy Miley.

This is the second time that we have brought a 'deep cleaning' team into Combe Down - the first time was in Meare Road, last year and both have been successful.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

St Martins Garden Saved

Last Thursday the Council voted to support a Liberal Democrat motion to remove the School from the Hayesfield development site. This means that everyone is satisfied, well almost everyone - St Martins Garden School, the Margaret Coates Unit and the Sure Start Children's Centre remain as they are; Hayesfield School can sell its old playing fields for development and if this site goes for housing children living in the houses will have a school with room to expand next door; local people still have their green open space to walk in.

The only losers being councillors who wanted to see a big profit for the Council in selling part of the St Martins site for a Tesco Supermarket development.

This was a long campaign stretching from last July, but the tenacity of the 'Ask Odd Down' and 'It's a Super rip Off' campaigners and some of the local councillors has paid off with a sensible vote in Council which took into account overwhelming public opinion.

Planning Applications In Combe Down

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 07/00874/FUL
Parish: N/A
Registered: 28th March 2007 Expiry Date: 23rd May 2007
Location: 64 Stonehouse Lane Combe Down Bath BA2 5DW
Grid Ref: (E)375720 - (N)162542 LB Grade: N/A
Proposal: Erection of a two storey side extension
Officer: Rachel Le Huray
Applicant: Mr & Mrs J Childs-Evans
Agent: No Agent
64 Stonehouse Lane
Combe Down

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 07/00897/LBA
Parish: N/A
Registered: 27th March 2007 Expiry Date: 22nd May 2007
Location: 4 Greendown Place Combe Down Bath BA2 5DD
Grid Ref: (E)375484 - (N)162353 LB Grade: II
Proposal: Internal and external alterations to include replacement rear windows and doors and repairs to fireplace
Officer: Caroline Waldron
Applicant: Ruth Jenkins
Agent: No Agent
4 Greendown Place
Combe Down

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 07/00984/LBA
Parish: N/A
Registered: 27th March 2007 Expiry Date: 22nd May 2007
Location: Belmont House Belmont Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5JR
Grid Ref: (E)376116 - (N)162245 LB Grade: II
Proposal: Waterproofing of existing lower ground level vaults using a polypropylene membrane fixed to the existing vault walls and ceilings and dry lined.
Officer: Bob Cannon
Applicant: Mr Simon Morray-Jones
Agent: Mr Simon Morray-Jones
21 Milsom Street
21 Milsom Street

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 07/01046/REG03
Parish: N/A
Registered: 28th March 2007 Expiry Date: 27th June 2007
Location: Combe Down Stone Mines Firs Field The Firs Combe Down Bath BA2 5ED
Grid Ref: (E)375929 - (N)162508 LB Grade: N/A
Proposal: Amendment to bat and archaeological mitigation measures to the approved scheme 03/00021/EREGO3 as amended by planning permission 06/00442/REG03 for the stabilisation of former stone mines beneath Combe Down Area
Officer: Rachel Le Huray
Applicant: Combe Down Stone Mines Project
Agent: No Agent
10 Palace Yard Mews