Thursday, June 28, 2007

Planning Applications

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 07/01833/FUL
Parish: N/A
Registered: 8th June 2007 Expiry Date: 3rd August 2007
Location: 5 Albert Place Combe Down Bath BA2 5EP
Grid Ref: (E)376226 - (N)162409 LB Grade: N/A
Proposal: Erection of a two storey extension after demolition of existing
Officer: Andy Harwood
Applicant: Mr & Mrs M Hobday
Agent: CJ Rudd
Claremont Lodge
119 Church Road
Combe Down
9 Clydesdale Road
SN13 8EN

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 07/01916/LBA
Parish: N/A
Registered: 19th June 2007 Expiry Date: 14th August 2007
Location: 73 Church Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5JQ
Grid Ref: (E)375902 - (N)162316 LB Grade: II
Proposal: Internal and external alterations to include installation of rooflight to front elevation, blocking up doorway to rear elevation and removing a window to open up original doorway.
Officer: Bob Cannon
Applicant: Mr Alex Hammond
Agent: Western Building Consultants Ltd
73 Church Road
Combe Down
Bath & North East Somerset
Unit 20
Wansdyke Business Centre
Oldfield Lane

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Questions and answers from B&NES Cabinet 20th June 2007

Question from:
Councillor Roger Symonds
Is the Leader aware of the debate in the letters pages of the Bath Chronicle which was sparked by a letter from Mr Steve Devrell published on 31st May 2007? What steps are planned to address the issues he raised?

Answer from:
Councillor Francine Haeberling
1. Yes.
2. I’m afraid that after 12 years of Liberal Democrat dominance on Bath and North East Somerset Council and, in particular, the previous five years of a Liberal Democrat Council Executive member overseeing issues such as bins, litter, and public toilets it is quite rich for Cllr Symonds to demand a plan to address the concerns expressed on the Bath Chronicle letters pages after just one month of the new administration.
However, let me take this opportunity to assure local residents it is a priority for the new administration to improve the condition of Bath’s urban environment and create a greener, cleaner community throughout the district.

Comment - I asked this question because I was asked to raise the issue of the letter with councillors. Some of the issues raised were indeed the responsibility of Cllr Gerry Curran, but equally some were, and still are, the responsibility of Cllr Vic Pritchard. The question about what steps will be taken was not answered.

Question from:
Councillor Roger Symonds
This Council collects plastic bottles for recycling if they are made of PET, PVC and HDPE, but it will not collect other plastic containers made of these particular types of plastic. Why not?

Answer from:
Councillor Charles Gerrish
It is interesting that despite the Liberal Democrats holding the Cabinet position of Sustainability and the Environment for the last five years, Councillor Symonds has decided to raise this issue at the first meeting of the new Conservative administration.
Perhaps the former post holder, his Liberal Democrat colleague Councillor Gerry Curran, would be in a better position to brief him about this issue and why such a commitment was not contained within the Liberal Democrat May 2007 Local Election Manifesto?
Another suggestion would be for Cllr Symonds to contact me so a comprehensive briefing about this subject can be arranged with Officers.

Supplementary question from:
Councillor Roger Symonds
How long will the Cabinet member continue to blame the previous administration for things which were not their responsibility?

Answer from:
Councillor Charles Gerrish
I agree that this needs closer examination. This administration has committed to improving the Council's recycling percentages.

Comment - I will accept Cllr Gerrish' invitation to a briefing.

Question from:
Councillor Roger Symonds
Licenses are regularly given permission for events in Bath and North East Somerset, but rubbish created at such events is not separated, so for example cans, bottles and paper are sent directly to landfill. A simple condition in the License permission for the applicant to recycle cans, bottles and paper would enable the Council to extend its recycling to events. What action will the Cabinet member take to make sure that waste is recycled from these public events?

Answer from:
Councillor Charles Gerrish
The authority stipulates this as a condition of issuing a contract to use our land.
For events where we do not control the land, we state in the Council's Licensing Policy for any application for a Premises Licence, which includes open spaces, that we, the Licensing Authority, will consider in particular a number of additional criteria one of which includes the steps taken or proposed by the applicant with particular regard to the recycling of glasses, bottles and cans from their premises.
Whilst this above statement is in our policy as something we would expect the applicant to include in their operating schedule, if the applicant does not provide a satisfactory statement on this and we do not have any representations against the application then the licence may be granted because Licensing is not legally empowered to insist on its inclusion.

Supplementary question from:
Councillor Roger Symonds
Can the Cabinet member explain then why there is only one event where there has been separate collections?

Answer from:
Councillor Charles Gerrish
The question has a historical context and I will need to investigate and will report back to him in the future.

Comment - There must be a way round this without having to object to each and every licence. I will find out why this condition is not applied to events on Council land. It is done in other cities including Bristol. It is not enough to persuade people to recycle in their homes, the principle should be continued at public events and on our streets, so that recycling becomes second nature to everybody.

Question from:
Councillor Roger Symonds
What is the target quota for converting areas for Living Over the Shops (LOTS) and for bringing basements into use for accommodation in the B&NES Local Plan and is the Council anywhere near meeting this target?

Answer from:
Councillor Charles Gerrish
There are no specific targets for converting areas for 'Living Over the Shops' or for bringing basements into use for accommodation in the Local Plan that was agreed by Full Council on 29th March 2007

Question from:
Councillor Roger Symonds
How many people are there on the Homeseekers register and on Somer Housing‘s books either without homes or living in temporary/unsuitable accommodation in B&NES?

Answer from:
Councillor Vic Pritchard
At the time of writing there are 5,624 households on the Homeseekers Register, of which 63 are in Band A. Band A includes all households who are homeless and living in temporary accommodation, are statutory overcrowded or have an urgent medical or social need to move. Please note that a “household” can range from a single individual to a large family, and as such is not the same as number of people. In addition the above figure will not include those households who are sharing with friends or family, unless the sharing results in either statutory overcrowding or an urgent social or medical award.
There are currently 641 households on the Somer CHT transfer list. While all of these households are housed and in permanent accommodation, it is likely that some of these will be living in overcrowded and hence unsuitable accommodation. However, it is likely that some of these clients will also be on the Homeseekers Register.
In future, because of the continuous fluctuation of these figures could I suggest that factual information of this kind could be obtained by contacting the relevant officer, Graham Sabourn, or me outside the formal Cabinet meeting question process.

Question from:
Councillor Roger Symonds
What does the Cabinet Member intend to do about the chronic shortage of Social and Affordable Housing in the Authority?

Answer from:
Councillor Vic Pritchard
The Council and Local Strategic Partnership agreed the Housing Strategy 2005-2010 in July 2006. Nine Delivery Plans are being developed, including one specifically focused on the delivery of affordable housing. This Delivery Plan is nearing completion and along with the remaining Delivery Plans will ultimately be presented to the Cabinet for approval early next year following extensive consultation. A copy of the draft affordable housing delivery plan has been sent directly to Cllr Symonds for his consideration.

Question from:
Councillor Roger Symonds
How many empty homes are there in Bath and North East Somerset?

Answer from:
Councillor Vic Pritchard
483 private sector empty homes.
In future, because of the continuous fluctuation of these figures could I suggest that factual information of this kind could be obtained by contacting the relevant officer, Graham Sabourn, or me outside the formal Cabinet meeting question process.

Question from:
Councillor Roger Symonds
How many houses in the Council’s area have been brought back into occupation under the powers given to the Council under the Government’s Empty Dwelling Management Orders (EDMOs) that were introduced in the Housing Act 2004?

Answer from:
Councillor Vic Pritchard


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Planning Applications

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 07/01679/FUL
Parish: N/A
Registered: 13th June 2007 Expiry Date: 8th August 2007
Location: 1 Axbridge Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5PW
Grid Ref: (E)375183 - (N)162859 LB Grade: N/A
Proposal: Erection of a two storey side extension
Officer: Martyn Edwards
Applicant: Mr R Waldron
Agent: No Agent
1 Axbridge Road
Combe Down

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 07/01721/FUL
Parish: N/A
Registered: 7th June 2007 Expiry Date: 2nd August 2007
Location: 23 Priory Close Combe Down Bath BA2 5AL
Grid Ref: (E)375937 - (N)162797 LB Grade: N/A
Proposal: Erection of a conservatory to rear
Officer: Rachel Le Huray
Applicant: Mrs Cossey
Agent: J H Leeke And Son Ltd
23 Priory Way
Unit 1
Mwyndy Business Park
Cardiff Road
Cynon Taff.
CF72 8PN

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 07/01821/FUL
Parish: N/A
Registered: 6th June 2007 Expiry Date: 1st August 2007
Location: 43 Priory Close Combe Down Bath BA2 5AN
Grid Ref: (E)375857 - (N)163075 LB Grade: N/A
Proposal: Extension and alterations
Officer: Richard Dale
Applicant: Mrs P Clark
Agent: Stephen P Dalley Smith
100 Sydney Place Mews
Meadow Farm

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Plastic Recycling - why some and not others

The Council recycles plastic bottles made from PET, PVC and HDPE , but it will only take bottles. Other plastic containers made from these same types of plastic, are not collected. Why not you may well ask? Is it because bottles are just easy to sort and other containers make it slower and more difficult for the recyclers? Is it because there is not the capacity on the recycling trucks to collect more plastic?

Whatever the reasons a number of local people have asked Cherry and I why other types of plastic container made of the same plastic the council collects now, cannot also be collected and why 'mixed' plastic cannot be recycled.

Consequently we have asked the Cabinet Member for Waste these questions and what he intends to do about increasing the collection of plastic containers. When we receive a reply we will publish it on the blog.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Two Tunnels makes Sustrans Short List

Have you heard of the Two Tunnels project? Its all about opening Combe Down and Devonshire tunnels that used to take the old Somerset and Dorset Railway out of Bath to the south coast until it closed in 1966. The tunnels will be open to cyclists, walkers and joggers and will provide a spectacular way to enter the city. Combe Down tunnel goes under Firs Field at 200 feet down, much lower than the Stone Mines.

The Two Tunnels project has been selected to move to the Sustrans shortlist of 79 Connect2 projects bidding for Big Lottery funding. If you want to find out more go to: and sign up to give your support to this exciting project.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Back on Line - Hooray

After being off line since the middle of April, after Orange so say upgraded my Broadband connection to make it faster we are back with a new ISP - Waitrose. It took a call to OFFCOM to get the MAC number out of Orange, so we could go to another company.

I find it difficult to articulate my contempt for a company that can arbitrarily close down a Broadband business connection without any hope of getting back on - I wonder how many small businesses this company has put out of business. I now have to deal with my 450 emails before updating the Blog.

Planning Applications

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 07/01345/LBA
Parish: N/A
Registered: 21st May 2007 Expiry Date: 16th July 2007
Location: 162 North Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5DL
Grid Ref: (E)376354 - (N)162676 LB Grade: II
Proposal: Erection of detached rear garage and rebuild part of boundary wall
Officer: Bob Cannon
Applicant: Mr Paul Isaac
Agent: No Agent
162 North Road
Combe Down

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 07/01601/FUL
Parish: N/A
Registered: 22nd May 2007 Expiry Date: 17th July 2007
Location: Tabouri Southstoke Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5SN
Grid Ref: (E)374774 - (N)161931 LB Grade: N/A
Proposal: Erection of a two storey and single storey rear extension after removal of existing single storey extension
Officer: Rachel Le Huray
Applicant: Mrs Nikki McCarthy
Agent: Marek Dziedzic
Southstoke Road
Bath and North East Somerset
44 Langdon Road