Planning Application
Only one application registered for Combe Down this week. This is a resubmission of an earlier application for five houses, which was withdrawn. The only difference now is that it has four houses. This in my view is still a gross overdevelopment of the site, which is close to the National Trust Skyline Walk. An example of how the Government's changes to planning regulations, classifying gardens as 'brownfield' sites is leading to inappropriate applications. We support residents in their opposition to this application
Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 07/02131/OUT
Parish: N/A
Registered: 4th July 2007 Expiry Date: 29th August 2007
Location: 37 Flatwoods Road Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AQ
Grid Ref: (E)377560 - (N)163130 LB Grade: N/A
Proposal: Erection of 4 no. dwellings and associated car parking, highways works and landscaping, following demolition of existing dwelling (Resubmission)
Officer: Rachel Le Huray
Applicant: Mr And Mrs P G Webster And Mr And Mrs D T Lindop
Agent: Savills (Bristol)
Embassy House
Queens Avenue