Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Flatwoods Planning Application turned down again

A proposed development for 4 houses at 37 Flatwoods Road was turned down for the second time today. A previous application for 5 houses had already been turned down early this year. The Government's change in legislation to classify gardens as 'brownfield' sites has led to thousands of applications across the country to fill gardens with housing.

This particular application would totally destroy the quiet little country backwater that is Flatwoods Road. We applaud this decision by Planning Officers. The clearcut reasons for the refusal are:

1. The proposed development of four houses, due to the type, size, massing and layout, would result in the overdevelopment of the site resulting in overlooking and an overbearing impact on the occupiers of the adjoining residential properties. The proposal also relies on the retention of a coniferous hedge for privacy to Nos 44 and 45 Flatwoods Road which is not worthy of retention and its removal would result in direct overlooking of these properties to the detriment of the residential amenity of the occupiers. This would be contrary to Policy D2 of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan (including minerals & waste policies) 2007.

2. The proposed development of four houses, due to the type, size, massing and layout, would result in a development that is out of character with its surroundings and which would have a detrimental impact on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, this part of the World Heritage Site and the adjacent Green Belt. This would be contrary to Policy D2, D4, NE1, NE2, GB2 and BH1 of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan (including minerals & waste policies) 2007.

3. The proposed access drive, due to its location in close proximity to the residential properties of Nos 36, 40 and 41 Flatwoods Road, would cause an unacceptable degree of noise and disturbance to the detriment of the residential amenity of the occupiers. This would be contrary to Policy D2 of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan (including minerals & waste policies) 2007.

4. The proposed development, due to the close proximity of trees which are subject to a Tree Preservation Order, would not provide a suitable level of useable amenity space and does not take account of the potential future growth of the existing trees. This would have a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of the future occupiers through shading of the garden and rear rooms of the houses which could lead to pressure for their removal at a later date. This would be contrary to Policy D2 and NE4 of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan (including minerals & waste policies) 2007.


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