Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas Cheer from Hydrock

Hydrock the Combe Down stone Mines contractor usually puts up a Christmas tree on site every year, but this year they have gone one better. Local people can now see the horsechestnut tree in the middle of the field draped with Christmas lights.

Well done Brian McConnell. Thank you and your workers for all you are doing for Combe Down. Given the size of the task the operation is making relatively little impact on the local community.

This photo nearly didn't happen because the security guard at the site would not allow me to take a photo of the tree!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Latest Planning Applications in Combe Down

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/04162/FUL
Registered: 05/12/2006 Expiry Date: 30/01/2007
Location: Barclays Bank Plc 2 North Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5DQ
Grid Reference: 375635 162407 Listed building Grade:
Proposal: Installation of ATM to front elevation
Case Lewis Cook
Applicant: Barclays Bank Plc Agent Name: Stride Treglown Ltd
Applicant Address: One Churchill Place Agent Address: Promenade House
Canary Wharf The Promenade
London Clifton
E14 5HP Bristol
Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/04190/LBA
Registered: 05/12/2006 Expiry Date: 30/01/2007
Location: 73 Church Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5JQ
Grid Reference: 375902 162316 Listed building Grade: II
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension and provision of rooflight to front roof slope
Case Caroline Waldron
Applicant: Mr And Mrs Hammond Agent Name: Western Building Consultants Ltd
Applicant Address:
73 Church Road Agent Address: Unit 20
Combe Down Wansdyke Business Centre
Bath Oldfield Lane
BA2 5JQ Bath
Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/04164/AR
Registered: 05/12/2006 Expiry Date: 30/01/2007
Location: Barclays Bank Plc 2 North Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5DQ
Grid Reference: 375635 162407 Listed building Grade:
Proposal: Display of internally illuminated ATM integrated lightbox
Case Lewis Cook
Applicant: Barclays Bank Plc Agent Name: Stride Treglown Ltd
Applicant Address: One Churchill Place Agent Address: Promenade House
Canary Wharf The Promenade
London Clifton
E14 5HP Bristol
Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/04189/FUL
Registered: 05/12/2006 Expiry Date: 30/01/2007
Location: 73 Church Road Combe Down Bath BA2 5JQ
Grid Reference: 375902 162316 Listed building Grade: II
Proposal: Erection of a single storey rear extension and provision of rooflight to front roof slope
Case Alice Barnes
Applicant: Mr And Mrs Hammond Agent Name: Western Building Consultants Ltd
Applicant Address:
73 Church Road Agent Address: Unit 20
Combe Down Wansdyke Business Centre
Bath Oldfield Lane
BA2 5JQ Bath

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Latest Planning Applications

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/04129/FUL
Registered: 30/11/2006 Expiry Date: 25/01/2007
Location: Goldney House The Avenue Combe Down Bath BA2 5EH
Grid 375943 162363 Listed building Grade:
Proposal: Provision of replacement shopfront with new railing to boundary wall and new timber
Case Rachel Le Huray
Applicant: Mrs L Evans Agent Name: Bennett Dlugiewicz Date
Applicant Address: Goldney House Agent Address: 90 Walcot Street
The Avenue Bath
Combe Down Somerset
Bath BA1 5BG
Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/04111/FUL
Registered: 29/11/2006 Expiry Date: 24/01/2007
Location: Monkton Combe Junior School Church Road (pt) Combe Down Bath BA2 7ET
Grid 376495 162225 Listed building Grade: II
Proposal: Proposed artificial turf pitch at playing field
Case Neil Harvey
Applicant: The Govenors Of Monkton Agent Name: Monkton Combe School
Applicant Address: C/o Agent Address: Monkton Combe
J R Snow (Estates Bath
Bursar) BA2 7HG

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/04025/FUL
Registered: 23/11/2006 Expiry Date: 18/01/2007
Location: Street Record The Avenue Combe Down Bath
Grid 376075 162659 Listed building Grade:
Proposal: Erection of telecommunications base station comprising a 17.5m monopole mast
incorporating three shrouded 1.7m antennae at 15.8m and one transmission dish at
15m with associated equipment cabinets on grass verge in front of Combe Down
Case Neil Harvey
Applicant: Hutchinson 3G Now Trading Agent Name: Barton Willmore Planning
As Three
Applicant Address: C/o Agent Agent Address: 25 Marsh Street

Ward: Combe Down App Ref: 06/03838/FUL
Registered: 20/11/2006 Expiry Date: 15/01/2007
Location: Chanctonbury Shaft Road Combe Down Bath BA2 7HP
Grid 376644 162664 Listed building Grade:
Proposal: Erection of a summerhouse and shed to rear
Case Vincent Albano
Applicant: Mr C J Starkey Agent Name: No Agent
Applicant Address: Chanctonbury Agent Address:
Shaft Road
Combe Down

Lib Dem Local Environment Campaign

We believe that our environment is in need of some attention. Already we have had redundant posts removed last summer from Combe Road and taken a dustpan and brush to clear up the glass at the damaged bus shelter at the MoD. Now we want the old, battered oil drum pinch point in Combe Road removed (see photo) now that the road is closed.

I will raise this with our new Highways liaison officer, John Weeks, at my first meeting with him today. Other issues that I will raise:

  • signage in Combe Down - particularly connected with the new Firs one way system
  • repair of bus shelter
  • temporary and permanent bus stops on North Road
  • fixing a redeployable camera to lamp post for police, to try to catch vandals - highways say they cannot fix until next Wednesday - urgent action is needed following 2 nights of motor vehicle vandalism in Church Road and the Avenue
  • repair broken water stopcock at entrance to the work site
  • cleaning out blocked gullies
  • churned up grass verge at bottom of The Firs
  • removal of leaves in The Avenue and The Firs - really cleansing dept, but leaves block the gullies, which are cleaned by highways - some joined up government needed here
  • highways view on the proposal to site a mobile telephone sub station on the grass verge outside Combe Down Garage

Two tasks have been completed following our requests to B&NES Highways:

  • straighten up light standard at crossing in North Road - see earlier blog
  • fill deep pothole in Ralph Allen Drive - see earlier blog

Are there any other ways we can improve the local environment?

Blogger News

Ben Murch from the Bath Chronicle has reviewed local political blogs in today's Chron. Conventional wisdom is that more and more news will come from on-line sources and TV, Radio and newspapers will no longer be our main sources for news ( some say that this has happened already). So love them or hate them blogs are here to stay.

Ben was quite complimentary about the existing blogs and I am sure that more councillors will set them up as a result of Ben's article. My view is that the blog is a quick way of getting information out to local residents in Combe Down. I would like this to be more a two way exchange than it is already, so comments and ideas will be very welcome. View the article on line on the Chronicle web site -

I am meeting John Weeks, a newly appointed Highways Liaison Officer to the Stone Mines team from the council, in the Information Centre at 2pm today. I will have plenty to say about the satndard of work by the Council's highways contractor, Ringway, and the length of time it takes to get anything done. I have been asking for the signage for the one way system in the Firs to be completed for about a month now. Even a simple repair to the bus shelter at MoD, reported on two occasions in the last month has still not been done. I was also promised the removal of yellow lines in Church Road and the Avenue more than a year ago.

There is also a working group meeting this Friday to consider Traffic Management issues in Combe Down during the stabilisation scheme. This workshop is as a result of my strong criticism of the lack of any sort of plan for traffic flows after the closure of Combe Road. The workshop includes such major players as council highways officers, Stone Mines Team, Utilities (Water and Gas), emergency planners and local schools. We would welcome any gripes, and suggestions for improvements.